Officially in the third trimester

We are here! It feels like such a milestone and somewhat unreal. To be here, in this place, with my wife’s belly swollen and round like the moon, is such an indescribable experience. Megan is EXHAUSTED! “Everything hurts!” is a phrase I hear often. Every week I feel like she is more and more pregnant. But you decide for yourself.

26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

29 weeks

This Wednesday (tomorrow) will be 30 weeks! Megan is feeling both of them regularly. I have felt both of them now, and it’s just MAGICAL! What’s more magical is that some of the kicks are now visible outside of the womb. I am sure it isn’t magical to Megan, but seeing them, adding another sense to perceive their reality through is just So COOL!

We have an ultrasound on Thursday this week. I cannot wait to see them. Megan and I are placing bets on their weights again, last time I guessed Girl’s weight exactly. This week I am betting Girl is 3.2 lbs and Boy is 3.1 lbs. There it’s in writing now.

Megan’s boss FINALLY approved light duty for her. Apparently all it took was a direct threat to “beat your pregnant ass” from a psychotic patient and a GODSEND of a co-worker to advocate for her safety. We are both so relieved. I really think this change will ensure that we make it to 37 weeks! (If I haven’t mentioned it, we have a scheduled c-section for the day after 37 weeks. We’re telling the kids “you stay there, we’ll come get you.”)

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