34 weeks

This is such a milestone! If babes make their apperance now, they will likely be just fine.

Lil man playing with his mouth and sucking on his fingers

I put the car seats in the car today. We have one last shower this weekend with work folks. Then were smooth sailing until C-day.

Our regular OB is on FMLA until the week of our c section. This adds a bit of suspence, but we’re not gonna worry about this too much. Everyone at the clinic we’re at is skilled, it would just be very nice to be with the doctor who has followed us on this journey long before we were even pregnant. But you can control everything.

On that note… many of our family members have chosen NOW as the time to go on major trips. In airplains. To major cities. In covid hot spots. Insert eye roll. We cannot control this, but what we CAN control is requiring those same traveling family members to get tested prior to expecting to meet the babes. And to quarantine. That’s just gonna be the way it is. Vaccinated, tested, masked and quarantined is a requirement to snuggle these sweet loves. I hate that it needs to be this way. So avoidable. Thank goodness everyone of age is vaccinated in our family. Only one person under 12 remains un vaccinated. Come on science, give us the green light for younger kids to be vaccinated! Please?

Megan was vaccinated while pregnant, so babes will (hopefully) carry some antibodies after birth.

All this resurgence stuff has me a lil worried and protective. I’m ready to hibernate with my new lil family away from all the dangers the world has to offer.

One thought on “34 weeks”

  1. I think it is so smart to keep the little’s safe at home and avoid any risks to their newly born immune systems. I am so glad you both are taking care of one another and engaging your family and friends early so they aren’t feeling like you sprung something on them. I know you will keep looking out of for M and the littles. ❤


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