Induced lactation

I started my journey towards the goal of induced lactation in April. I went to an IBCLC and discussed my options. I LOVED her. Just something about her energy drew me in. Truly there’s a whole other blog post about that, so I’ll save my raving for there.

My IBCLC informed me that she’d only done induced lactation a couple of times on patients herself, but assured me it was possible and pointed me in the direction of some great pod casts and books. “Breastfeeding without birthing” by Alyssa Schnell was the book and I believe the pod cast is hers too. That’s called “Breastfeeding outside the box”

I started birth control mid April with my (then) next menses. I took only the hormone pills daily for 4 months, to trick my body into thinking I had a “mini pregnancy.” I had some minor spotting each month when I would normally bleed (at the end of each hormone round when the sugar pills began), but nothing I would call a true period. It was old blood, those who know, will know what I’m talking about.

I stopped the birth control about two weeks ago. My IBCLC said I would bleed, but I didn’t. That makes me worried, but my IBCLC didn’t seem phased by it. After stopping birth control, the consultant recommended I start some supplements to encourage milk production.

I take the goat’s rue 4 times a day and the milkapalooza 3 times a day. They are over the counter and can be found online easily. I was taking the fenugreek once a day, but it made my blood sugar tank and in order for it to be effective I’d need to take much more so we opted to not continue this supplement. The capsules are pretty easy to manage, though yesterday, I belched and one decided to make a re-appearance in my throat without the casing…. that was NOT pleasant. Just a bunch of herbal powder and grass flavor, ew. A little water and I was okay again.

After stopping birth control I also needed to start stimulating my breasts. Aka pumping. I pump for 10 min every 2 hrs and once at night. This tricks my body into thinking there’s someone to feed after that little faked mini pregnancy and hopefully she’ll produce milk!

I haven’t produced anything yet, but I’m hopeful. It takes a couple of weeks to really get going so fingers crossed something happens soon. It’s also possible my milk won’t come in until I hold my babes. The hormone shift there could make it happen if I haven’t produced milk yet by then.

What I do know is my boobs have grown about a half cup size. They feel fuller, after the fake pregnancy and even more now after a week and a half of pumping. When I miss a pump, bc life, they ache even though pumping sessions aren’t productive. All this points to something is working.

I really hope this is successful. Both because it’d be awesome to be able to provide supplemental feedings to my babes to give Megan a break and for bonding. Also to provide a place for my body to be useful as a non gestational parent. I still harbor some feelings about not carrying and I think surrendering my body in this way could alleviate those feelings some.

I will keep you posted, but now it’s probably time for me to go pump.

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